About Exxecta

Exxecta is the active sourcing platform which brings together female executives with companies and members of executive search agencies to fill vacant management positions in an efficient and discrete manner. Access to the Exxecta Executive Pool is possible by personal invitation only and limited to qualified experienced female executives, therefore all submitted career paths are run through a detailed process of evaluation. Minimum requirement to be accepted to the Executive Pool is a track record of at least five years in a management position with a respective leadership and budget responsibility. This guarantees Employers and Executive Searchers a choice of top-class potential candidates and therewith an efficient recruiting for exclusive vacancies.

Discretion has the highest priority for us: All profile information that may indicate her identity remains anonymous until the female executive has decided to whom she will disclose her full profile information. Only requests for contact related to a specific Search Project and in combination with a detailed job description take place on Exxecta, there will be no other contact approach towards our female executives. This is what we stand for, as we highly respect the privacy of our executives.